Sunday, August 21, 2011

Pliny the Elder

This shouldn't be how it's done. Pliny the Elder? This early in our blog's life? It's a beer that's currently sitting at number four among the top reviewed beers in the world on Beer Advocate. And every time I mention the word "Pliny" to a beer lover, they kneel and say a short prayer. It's reputation proceeds it, and although it may be a bold choice to review right off the bat, I want to get it out of the way. See what all of the fuss it about. Shall we?

Live on the east coast? Sorry, you're not getting this beer ever. Well, I shouldn't say that, there are bars and stores in and around Philadelphia that are able to get their hands on it from time to time. Legend has it that there are only 13 kegs a month given to the New York/Pennsylvania/Connecticut area, and when it's gone, it's gone. And as soon as word hits the streets that someone has Pliny, it's gone within the day.

How did I get it, you ask? Luckily, the guy who wrote the post above this one, went out to San Francisco for some R&R and was able to purchase a bottle for me out there and carefully wrap it in his dirty laundry inside of his luggage. When he arrived back home, I was handed a green bottle of urban legend; Pliny the Elder.

It was a fresh bottle, dated August 8th, 2011. So only about a week old at the time. I stared at it for a while, debating whether to drink it, or just keep it forever. And become one of those beer geeks that doesn't actually drink beer, but just has beer. I decided on the former and poured the golden amber liquid in a tulip glass I found sitting inside one of my kitchen cabinets.

The aroma was evident as soon as I opened the bottle. Hops and pine filled the air around me. Smelled like I was shopping for Christmas trees.

Ever read the reviews for Pliny on Beer Advocate? They are dripping with adoration. Words like "genius", "ingenious", and "perfect" are thrown around haphazardly. I, on the other hand, will not be using any of those words. Truth be told, this is a good beer. It's a very good beer. But I won't tell you this is the best beer I've ever had. Nor will I tell you this is the best IPA I've ever had. There are better ones. Double Trouble from Founders comes to mind. As well as Jai Alai from Cigar City.

Pliny is exactly what you would expect from a well-balanced double IPA, but nothing more. It's VERY drinkable and admittedly, I wouldn't mind spending an entire night drinking only Pliny. But after tasting this beer, I feel as if it's living off it's own hype and that beer reviewers aren't tasting it's flavor, they're tasting it's reputation.

Grade: B+

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